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Version: 2.2

Blockchain API

Select what you want to achieve:

Get Blocks​

No.MethodDescriptionAPI ReferenceURL
1getBlockByHashGet block by hashMethod Documentation
2getBlockByDateGet block by dateMethod Documentation

Get Transactions​

No.MethodDescriptionAPI ReferenceURL
3getDecodedWalletTransactionGet decoded transactions by walletMethod Documentation
4getTransactionByHashGet transaction by hashMethod Documentation
5getDecodedTransactionByHashGet decoded transaction by hashMethod Documentation
6getInternalTransactionsGet internal transactions by transaction hashMethod Documentation
7getWalletTransactionsGet native transactions by walletMethod Documentation

Get Logs​

No.MethodDescriptionAPI ReferenceURL
8getContractLogsGet logs by contractMethod Documentation
9getContractEventsGet events by contractMethod Documentation

Get Stats​

No.MethodDescriptionAPI ReferenceURL
10getBlockStatsGet block statsMethod Documentation

Get Latest Block Number​

No.MethodDescriptionAPI ReferenceURL
11getLatestBlockNumberGet latest block number.Method Documentation